Tweak-7 1.0 Build 1000 (Multi + Russian)

С помощью Tweak-7 вы можете легко оптимизировать, настраивать параметры производительности Windows 7. Tweak-7 предназначен исключительно для Windows 7. Сделайте свой выбор из широкого круга параметров и средств для настройки и оптимизации системы Windows 7 согласно вашим требованиям. Вы можете переносить параметры и настройки на другие компьютеры под управлением Windows 7.
Changes in Tweak-7 1.0 Build 1000 - July 06, 2009:
+ Added a context menu to the 'System Folders' feature folder list
* Lots of code cleanup, removing debugging code and other code from the beta versions that is no longer needed
* Improved CPU and cache tweaks section
* Improved UI rendering when switching from one feature to another
* Updated help file, updated Russian and English language files
* Several behavior changes related to the auto start of Tweak-7
* Several changes to some error handlers catching some very rare issues caused by corrupted memory
* Some changes to the 'Registry CleanUp' feature related to the system status report if no items were cleaned up
* Several minor changes to the user interface
- Fixing a well hidden issue that crashed Tweak-7 if the 'Restrict Access to folders' feature was left to the 'Home' screen
- Fixing an issue where the 'Registry Defrag' was not working if the 'Estimate Fragmentation' button was not clicked before defragmentation
- Fixing a crash that occurred under some very specific circumstances while browsing the feature sections
- Fixing an issue with the language file selection
- Fixing a few minor issues in several features
- Fixing some pop-up message display issues that caused pop-up messages to be too small in height
- Fixing some minor UI issues
| Successfully tested on Windows 7 Build 7264

Размер: 22 мб
Операционная система : Только Windows 7 32bit or 64bit editions

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